Teleworking: 5 Resolutions for better performance

Stress in the workplace is a hot topic right now, particularly following episodes of confinement where telecommuting has become almost compulsory in the IT sector.

Most of us are still subject to this invitation to telework two or even three days a week. Our living space has become our working space. We dress in nothing more than pyjama bottoms and a shirt for video-conferencing… And, let’s face it, for some of us, our motivation is at an all-time low.

Faced with working conditions that are both upsetting and overwhelming, I’m going to share with you my professional resolutions that have really had a positive impact on my well-being and professional commitment.

The Organization

Organizing your working time is E-SSEN-TIEL ! I’m not telling you anything about the importance of being organized in the IT world, but it’s important to remind some people. Accomplishing a thousand and one tasks at once is pointless, and will only tire you out even more. 

Every day, take the time to draw up your to-do list, distinguishing between the following tasks priority of those that might be secondary and attacked them, one task at a time. A sense of priority is essential for better stress management, and even more so when teleworking.

Break times while teleworking

Limit working hours, because being at home doesn’t necessarily mean you have to work longer and harder! As we all know, “too much” work tires you out and reduces your productivity and the quality of your activity.

I’d stress the importance of regular, short breaks. Getting up from your chair, having a coffee or walking your dog will undoubtedly make you more focused and productive later on.

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Choosing a bedtime and sticking to it every night is probably THE strategy to implement. Lack of sleep has a direct impact on your mental health and well-being at work.

This can lead to a lack of productivity and creativity in your professional expectations, but also to increased fatigue and stress. Let’s be responsible and sleep between seven and eight hours a night to maintain a healthy balance.


Telecommuting can quickly lead to feelings of isolation and even abandonment. This is not without consequences when you’re already feeling stressed about the workload ahead of you.

To prevent this feeling from growing, I strongly recommend regular exchanges with your Scrum Master and team members via instant messaging or videoconferencing tools (meetings, debriefings, etc.). This allows you to share your difficulties, fears and ideas. Also, don’t hesitate to delegate certain tasks when you’re in difficulty or overwhelmed. Helping each other is central and an integral part of teamwork.

At the end of the day, regular exchanges between team members strengthen cohesion, and make telecommuters feel less alone behind their screens.

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Putting things into perspective

When your life is all about your work, you’re bound to be irritated or annoyed by the slightest problem that comes your way. I want you to know that you have no reason to sacrifice your personal life for your professional life.

To avoid this type of situation, I strongly advise you to give yourself the freedom to spend time with your family and loved ones. Then, if you feel that your work is taking up too much of your time, consider delegating certain tasks .

Finally, it’s essential that you develop a lighter perspective. Let things come as they come because, as the French writer Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle says: “Don’t take life too seriously. You won’t get out of it alive anyway.”

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Picture of Ahmed BEN SALEM


Strongly involved in Agile methodologies, I have held the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner and Release Train Engineer for SAFe, Scrum and DevOps projects. My approach focuses on people and stakeholder collaboration, creating environments conducive to innovation and performance.

Since 2016, I have successfully led several Agile software development projects for companies of all sizes, including Odigo, Orange and PSA. My solid experience in Agile methodologies, in particular Scrum and SAFe, has enabled me to work with multicultural teams from countries such as the USA, India, Vietnam and Morocco.